Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 1 Perceval

Perceval seems really slow. He doesn't pay much attention and doesn't even care about is being said. He doesn't grasp the importance of what his mother is telling him. She is telling him her history and therefore his too, but he dismisses her as if she was telling what was for dinner. He doesn't have any empathy and that can get him into trouble later on. He doesn't listen unless its what her wants to hear. As with the episode with the knights, he completely ignores what they have to say so that he can learn what he wants to know. He is a bad example of what a knight can be. He's too interested in having his needs be met and not seeing the consequences of his actions. His mother is the only person he has. She sheltered and protected from the life that she did not want for him ( maybe a little too much), but she meant well. She is weeping and begging him not to go and finally falls over, but he still continues on his way as if she had been waving at him happily and commending him to God. H should not have left the way he did; he is selfish.

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